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“Lynsey’s wealth of experience as an interior stylist makes her service so much more than just uncluttering. She had a vision for how the rooms could work better and convinced me that I didn’t need more storage, I just needed to make better use of what I had. It still gets messy but it now takes no time to tidy as everything has a home and a place it can be put away. I would highly recommend Lynsey’s service and look forward to her coming round to do more.”

“My bookcases were cluttered and looking at them every day made me feel overwhelmed. Lynsey came in with her positive vibe and straight away made me feel at ease. She was so comforting in the process of organising the living room. The result was more than I had dreamed of, it straight away made me feel less stressed and I now have energy to focus on something else in my life.”

“Lynsey has a very good eye for what will sell a house. She staged mine, creating space and adding items that made the house look contemporary and fresh. For me, what was impressive was that she gave me a suggested budget and stuck to it. That I achieved an offer above the asking price was, I believe, due in large part to Lynsey’s great work.”

“Lynsey has a non-judgmental, calm approach and it was so much more than just a tidying/decluttering session. In my dining area, we cleared shelves and categorised things into piles, going through all the build-up of little bits that had accumulated in bowls and cups on the shelves. She convinced me to let these go but also understood why I wanted to hold onto old drawings and childhood mementoes. We found ways to archive these so they weren’t just sitting around gathering dust and we could look at them when we wanted to.”

“In a relatively short period of time (Lynsey worked with me in short 3-hour bursts so it doesn’t feel too overwhelming), my space felt lighter and so much better. The best thing was it was organised in a sustainable way which has made it much easier to keep tidy. Everyone who has come into the house since has commented on how spacious the room feels. In the end, Lynsey didn’t want to leave me with lots of stuff piled in the hall. She helped me take things out to the bin and even offered to drop off the charity donations, which I felt was really kind.”

"Lynsey helped me tackle my daughter’s bedroom, who is at the ‘tween’ stage so still wanted to hold onto all of her soft toys! Lynsey was lovely with her but convinced her to sort the toys into favourites (which went in a basket next to her bed) and the next favourite bunch went into boxes under the bed out of sight and another pile for ‘longer term storage’. My daughter would never have agreed to it if I had tried this! Lynsey framed it all so kindly and it was actually fun in the end.”

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